Monday, September 28, 2009

Monthly and quarterly fund review report

Q3 2009 is just around the corner. I am just worried that these report will be replaced. You may download these reports for your own reference.
Quarterly review for quarter 2 of 2009
Monthly review for July 2009
Monthly review for August 2009.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Highest, lowest and average price as at 18-09-2009

I have compiled this chart called Highest, Lowest and Average. As suggested by the name, this chart will show the highest, lowest and average prices of respective funds since launch till to date. You may find that the last column indicates how many percentage of the current fund price above (+) or fall below (-) the average price.

All the funds listed are allowed under EPF investment scheme.

Go for REITs, go for PFEPRF

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bond and equity funds is perfect combination?

Over the years, currency depreciation and inflation are the most important factors in maintaining your hard-earn savings value. However, putting all the savings in FD would not a best idea. I am looking at the combination of bond fund and equity fund in my investment portfolio.
Let look at the red line which indicates Public Bond, the returns is steady across 5 years. I might consider to put my money in bond and some in equity fund (ratio to be decided). While market goes down, I might consider to reinvest in equity fund to bring down my cost per unit, else, I have no extra money, I feel peace of mind since bond still appreciate over the recession. However, invest in funds may involve risks, it is depends investor's risk profile.

Go for Gold now?

Graph: 36 year gold price history in US Dollars per ounce.^

It is a time to re-think this question -- is gold an investment instrument to hedge against the inflation? Let take a look at the gold price in the past 36 years.

Investing in gold will take time. Depending how long you can wait :)

Market Tips: Gold Could Rally to $1,150 by Year-End
| 21 Sep 2009 | 06:15 AM ET

The price of gold continued to give back some of its recent gains Monday and slipped below the psychologically important $1,000 level to its lowest price in almost a week.

One analyst told CNBC that the setback in gold would only be temporary and the precious metal could hit $1,150 per troy ounce by the end of the year.

Gold Could Hit $1,150

Akhi Kamkolkar, head of futures at Halifax Investment Services told CNBC that his year-end target for gold is between $1,100 and $1,150.

Markets Remain Volatile

Andrew Freris, senior investment strategist for Asia at BNP Paribas Wealth Management, saysmarkets remain volatile and he will overweight Asian equities when the time is right.

Markets May Correct in Fourth Quarter

Markets could surprise to the downside in the fourth quarter, cautions Paul Ramscar, director, wealth management at Financial Partners. He tells CNBC what could trigger this correction.

Where Next for the Yen & Australian Dollar?

Discussing where the yen and Aussie dollar are headed following their recent rise against the dollar, with Ray Attrill, global head of research at Forecast Australia.

Indian Rupee Seen Strengthening

The Indian rupee could strengthen against the dollar in the medium term, predicts Andrew Freris, senior investment strategist, Asia at BNP Paribas Wealth Mgmt. He tells CNBC why.

Will New IPOs Hurt the Chinese Market?

Discussing the reasons why the Chinese authorities decided to reopen the IPO pipeline and its impact on the market, with Andrew Freris, senior investment strategist, Asia at BNP Paribas Wealth Mgmt.

Assessing China's IPO Pipeline

Andrew Freris, senior investment strategist, Asia at BNP Paribas Wealth Mgmt outlines thethree reasons why the recent IPOs in China were huge state-owned companies, and not private ones.

Appetite for IPOs in China

IPO demand in China is still relatively strong, notes John Tang, China strategist at UBS Investment Bank, after Metallurgical Corp of China surged as much as 35 percent in its Shanghai debut Monday.


© 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Global wealth yet to recover, time to invest.

Global wealth won't recover to 2007 levels until 2013

Written by Bloomberg
Friday, 18 September 2009 11:23
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NEW YORK: Europe replaced North America as the world’s richest region last year as measured by assets under management, a survey by the Boston Consulting Group said.

North America, defined as the US and Canada, had US$29.3 trillion (RM102.3 trillion) in assets under management, compared with US$32.7 trillion in Europe in 2008, according to the survey released Tuesday by the Boston-based firm. The US remains the wealthiest country at US$27.1 trillion and has the highest number of millionaires — almost four million. Japan’s global wealth is No 2 with US$13.5 trillion and more than one million millionaire households.

Global wealth dropped for the first time since the survey started in 2001 as assets under management decreased 11.7% to US$92.4 trillion last year from US$104.7 trillion a year earlier. The credit crisis sent stock indexes to their worst annual losses since the Great Depression and slashed the value of real-estate holdings, hedge-fund and private-equity investments in 2008. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index dropped 38% last year, the steepest annual decline since 1937. “For the last few years, the industry was blessed with very substantial growth, markets kept rising and people kept getting richer and pumping more money to wealth managers,” said Monish Kumar, a partner and managing director in the firm’s New York office. “That era came to a crashing halt in 2008.”

The biggest drop occurred in North America, where wealth plunged 22%, according to the survey. The second-biggest decline was in Japan, where wealth fell almost 8% in local currencies. Latin America, defined by the survey as Mexico, South America and Central America, was the only region where wealth grew, by 3%.

Wealth is expected to begin a “slow recovery” in 2010, according to the survey. Assets under management will grow at an average annual rate of 3.8% from the end of 2008 through 2013 to US$111.5 trillion. “We believe wealth will come back, but we remain conservative,” said Peter Damisch, a partner and managing director in Boston Consulting Group’s Zurich office. “Before 2013, we won’t get back to 2007 levels.” The number of millionaire households globally fell to nine million from 11 million, with North America and Europe both experiencing decreases in the number of millionaire households by 22%, according to the report. The results are similar to a survey released in June by Capgemini SA and Merrill Lynch
& Co that found the number of millionaires slipped 15% to 8.6 million.

Singapore has the highest concentration of millionaires with 8.5% of the nation’s households having more than US$1 million in assets under management, the report said. — Bloomberg


EPF's divident rate history

The table above shown the dividend rate of EPF since 1983 to 2008.

Price history of Public Islamic Dividend Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 18/09/2009:
Average price: RM 0.2816*
Lowest price: RM 0.2268*
Highest price: RM 0.3765*
Current market price: RM 0.2987

*Based on date from 14/02/2006 to 18/09/2009.

Price history of Public Islamic Select Bond Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 18/09/2009:
Average price: RM 1.0190*
Lowest price: RM 0.9887*
Highest price: RM 1.0576*
Current market price: RM 1.0403

*Based on date from 10/07/2007 to 18/09/2009.
Publish Post

Funds from Public Mutual that allowed to invest using KWSP

As at 21/09/2009, these funds from Public Mutual Berhad, as listed below are allow to use to invest using KWSP.

Public Islamic Balanced Fund
Public Islamic Dividend Fund
Public Islamic Equity Fund
Public Islamic Income Fund
Public Islamic Money Market Fund
Public Islamic Optimal Growth Fund
Public Islamic Sector Select Fund
Public Islamic Select Enterprises Fund
Public Islamic Select Treasures Fund
Public Money Market Fund
Public Regular Savings Fund
Public Sector Select Fund
Public Select Bond Fund
PB Cash Management Fund
PB Islamic Bond Fund
PB Islamic Equity Fund

Price history of Public Islamic Optimal Growth Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 18/09/2009:
Average price: RM 0.2162*
Lowest price: RM 0.1836*
Highest price: RM 0.2519*
Current market price: RM 0.2457

*Based on date from 08/04/2008 to 18/09/2009.

Price history of Public Small Cap Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 17/09/2009:
Average price: RM 0.5996*
Lowest price: RM 0.4200*
Highest price: RM 0.9367*
Current market price: RM 0.6815

*Based on date from 13/06/2000 to 17/09/2009.

Price history of Public Far-East Property & Resort Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 17/09/2009:
Average price: RM 0.1901*
Lowest price: RM 0.1034*
Highest price: RM 0.2661*
Current market price: RM 0.2292

*Based on date from 10/07/2007 to 17/09/2009.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Distribution history (Jan-2009 to Aug-2009)

Table: Distribution from the respective fiscal year from Jan-2009 to Aug-2009.

Distribution history (2008)

Price history of Public China Select Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 17/09/2009:
Average price: RM 0.1942*
Lowest price: RM 0.1102*
Highest price: RM 0.2979*
Current market price: RM 0.1981

*Based on date from 05/06/1997 to 17/09/2009.

Price history of Public ITTIKAL Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 17/09/2009:
Average price: RM 0.8411*
Lowest price: RM 0.5800*
Highest price: RM 1.31*
Current market price: RM 0.8768

*Based on date from 10/04/1997 to 17/09/2009.

Price history of Public Index Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 18/09/2009:
Average price: RM 0.8797*
Lowest price: RM 0.4549*
Highest price: RM 1.59*
Current market price: RM 0.6659

*Based on date from 02/03/1992 to 18/09/2009.

Price history of Public Islamic Equity Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 18/09/2009:
Average price: RM 0.3053*
Lowest price: RM 0.2342*
Highest price: RM 0.4248*
Current market price: RM 0.3049

*Based on date from 28/05/2003 to 18/09/2009.

Price history of Public Regular Savings Fund from January 2009 to August 2009

As of 18/09/2009:
Average price: RM 0.7192*
Lowest price: RM 0.3909*
Highest price: RM 1.31*
Current market price: RM 0.5409

*Based on date from 25/04/1994 to 18/09/2009.



作者/本刊梁志华 Sep 10, 2009 06:49:29 pm

【本刊梁志华撰述】一批以马来土著为主的特许经营加盟业者(Franchisee)在周二踢爆,由政府投资臂膀之一的国民企业有限公司(Perbadanan Nasional Berhad,PNS)一手扶持的特许经营计划,只顾发放贷款,不理经营者是否具备条件与能力,也不管成果。这不仅无法创造出更多的土著企业家,反而导致这些涉及人士陷入严重的财务危机,甚至徘徊在破产的边缘。

这个事件的确让人捏了一把冷汗。显然,政府投资机构在筛选与扶持企业时,没有认真把关,只是一味大撒金钱,希望快速创造大量土著企业家。这不禁让人联想到首相纳吉宣布成立总值110亿元的国有私募基金——国民股权公司(Ekuiti Nasional Berhad,简称EKUINAS),是否最终也将掉入同样的死胡同。

上述事件发生在Marrybrown、Jukebox、Watershop、VV Shop、Camps Apparel等特许经营连锁店的土著加盟业者身上。约30名业者透过马来西亚回教徒消费者协会(Muslim Consumers Association of Malaysia)召开记者会,揭发国民企业有限公司在扶持土著企业家策略上的失败。








然而,推行了近39年的新经济政策概念(虽然新经济政策在1990年结束,不过,其精髓却继续在国家发展政策(NDP)等经济规划大蓝图中延续),却形成了一股“拐杖文化”,以及“阿里巴巴(Ali Baba)的商业文化”,让土著扶持政策根深蒂固地烙印在马来人的思维中,成了马来西亚独有的社会经济文化。







至于外包则是交由私人股权投资机构负责投资,主要专注在特定的领域,投资数额至少为20%,并会积极在营运方面给予协助,包括扩大客户类型、重组现有贷款、取得监管批准等。同时, EKUINAS也会派出企业家、专业管理团队给予协助,并视情况扩大持股权。

当然,政府所推出的土著扶持政策在策划阶段都是完美无瑕的,看起来完全行得通。但是,来到执行阶段时,往往就会出乱子。国民企业有限公司的特许经营计划就是最好的例子。从这个事件上,我们看到了官联投资机构的一些通病——欠缺透明的黑箱作业,缺乏良好治理(Good Governance),道德问题(Moral Hazard),资讯不对称(Asymmetric information),盲目执行扶持政策等。


这些通病都可能会发生在EKUINAS身上。实际上,EKUINAS还未开始运作,就已经犯了欠缺透明度(黑箱作业)的大忌。根据EKUINAS主席拉惹阿尔沙(Raja Arshad Uda)在上周五的一场媒体简报会中透露,该公司基于“竞争因素”,一些决策将会保密,同时也还未决定是否与何时定期公布投资资讯。


如果任由EKUINAS自行选择,什么投资决策需要公布,而什么投资决策不能公布,那么,很难担保所有的投资策略都是“最明智的投资”,当中不会涉及一些拯救(Bail out)濒临倒闭或破产的土著企业。谁都不想这个机构最终变成另一个拯救马航(MAS)、玲珑集团(Renong)的政府代理公司。










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